Gay Grant Author of Books:
"Destination Unknown: An Evacuee's Story," and "Along the Kennebec: The Herman Bryant Collection."

There’s so much content out there to absorb.

People are inundated with more and more information, but we have less time and less energy to curate it into our lives.

To survive modern overwhelm, we seek self-directed experiences with people that feel like an exchange between trusted friends . . .co-creating meaningful solutions across all our lives. 

So we want somebody to help explain, to help distill . . . to help provide a trustworthy conversational community, that we can routinely access and sift through our lives with.

This is what Hazel Marie’s Garden guided journaling 

workshops are all about.

I haven't had the chance to tell you I watched the last March module class and appreciated receiving the recording.  It was an awesome class.  I have kept all my notes from the many classes I had attended with you since this summer, returning to them every so often to reference and find them invaluable.  Love it.
This course was well thought out and planned with plenty of opportunity to interact and participate. Anne's examples of her own life experiences were very helpful and she taught us many valuable strategies and tools to be able to use on a daily basis. I have learned much about myself and look forward to using what I have learned: I already have in family situations. It's a great life strategy. Thanks Anne!
-Executive and Mother
This class has had me take what I know about myself and put it into terms that I can visualize, review, and internalize. The good and bad stuff becomes apparent so I see what ought to be eliminated from my life, and what ought to be cherished and protected. Anne gives us tools to reach our best selves.
- Retiree
Really enjoyed this class ; so much food for thought. Would have been nice to have this class in my 40's-50's. So much I could have done differently with a better self esteem and understanding of self. Did self-searching before, but now understanding why I did things, etc. Nice to reexamine my life, thank you. - mother and grandmother
- Mother and Grandmother